This helped me stop caring what other's think of me


So, today I saw this pretty little moment and had to have a photo...and then realized I was photographing someone’s luxury hotel rental. I was promptly escorted away and was def a little embarrassed.

But if there’s anything that helped me learn to not care about things that don’t matter, it’s a language barrier.
When I’ve sorted through language limitations, I’ve found that suddenly it’s so much easier to keep the main thing the main thing.

Because I have to focus completely on communication, I’m not worried about perception. About likability. And I’m not finding my worth in the validation of others. For the first time, I can’t. And all of a sudden, things clicked for me. I DONT NEED TO CARE. There are so many precious things to give my care to. What someone I don’t know thinks of me is no longer one of them.

When I choose kindness and compassion, I have little to worry about because I know my intentions are true and loving. And the rest is just not mine to concern myself with.

It’s not my job to change what someone thinks of me. It’s their right to think what they will. It’s my responsibility to operate from a place of love and kindness.

How about you? Have you ever felt concerned with what others think of you? Drop a comment below if you resonate with this!