5 characteristics of the intuitive business | Mindset coaching for female entrepreneurs

After digging into the ego-driven business in this post, a few questions came up. Questions like
What does the ego sound like?

What do I do about this?

What do I do if I’m surrounded by the ego mind?

Today, let’s start by talking about the opposite of the ego, your intuition.

5 characteristics of your Intuition

  1. Fueled by your purpose, vision, and mission

  2. Focused on impact

  3. Lives in abundance and infinite potential

  4. Self-compassionate and loving

  5. Finds worthiness in self. Spreads love to all

When you listen to your intuition, you can run your business from a place of love and impact. Ego is a natural safety mechanism in all of us, however if you see it and don’t like it, you have a responsibility to change it.

How to shift from ego to intuition:

ego=self-protection. So your first move is to identify what you’re trying to protect yourself from and see what comes up. Journal around questions like: What am I afraid of? What do I think will happen if I…?

Second, give yourself a safe space to dream. This concept worked wonders for me: I give myself a “what if” time period. In that time, I only explore ideas and then put them back. I don’t act on anything-there’s a time for that, but right now is the time for dreaming and brainstorming. This is a major abundance move because you’re trusting that everything will happen in the right time and that you’ve got everything you need right now.

Lastly, choose wisely who you surround yourself with. Remember that you’re the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. If you’re spending time with people who re scarcity minded, gossiping about others, and triggering about everything, then you’ll act like them.

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