I got locked out of my instagram account...here's what happened:

That's right. I experienced that thing that NOBODY wants to experience.

when I brought up the app, I had a notification that said I had a compromised account and needed to change my password immediately....except I couldn't.
The app kept freezing and I couldn't proceed.

I'll admit-I freaked out a little-wouldn't you?

But ultimately, I couldn't fix it, so I decided to start listening to an e-book while washing some dishes. The first words I heard shook me to my core.
Seth Godin was inside my head asking the question I was already wondering.

"Would they miss you and your value if you were gone?"

I'd spent so much time building my instagram and suddenly, I was wondering-would anyone miss me if I were gone? If I didn't do a live? If I didn't share content on stories or in my captions? Did it even matter?

Have you ever wondered this?

If you haven't asked yourself this question, stop and sit with it for a few minutes-and be honest with yourself.
It's pretty easy to figure out the answer, really. Here's how I know:

  • Are you complaining about that dang algorithm again?

  • Frustrated that people are playing the "follow/unfollow" game?

  • Freaked out about your engagement rate plummeting

If you answered yes to any/all of those questions, I have some hard truth for you. Those are the worries of a victim. Someone putting control of their impact in the hands of a stranger.

The next thing Seth Godin said was this:

Art isn't art until it connects with people. If your art fails (doesn't connect), make better art.

  • If you're showing up on instagram with beautiful photos of your work but people aren't engaging, make better art.

  • If you're showing up on instagram with a prescribed caption that's guaranteed to get the comments and no one comments, make better art.

  • If you post each day, feeling like a mannequin in a window as people walk by, make better art.

So...how do you make better art?

It all starts with having a point of view-something that might stir the pot. And using your voice to speak up about that.

Here's the thing. You aren't for everyone. Your brand will always attract AND repel. But avoiding that reality by not speaking up doesn't make it go away.

If you're not sure what your point of view even is, friend, we have to talk. There is hope-there's a way to change that.

There's a way to take the power out of the hands of a random stranger and reclaim it for yourself.

If this is resonating with you, you can't afford to miss the next round of the Breakthrough Mastermind because this is the very FIRST problem we address.

Doors will be opening soon. People are already waiting to join. Will you be with them?

Learn more about the Ripple Effect Mastermind here