Behind the Scenes of The Breakthrough Method™️ | Part 2

If you’ve been around for a little bit, you may have noticed some cha-cha-changes in my brand

A name change, branding refresh, and more. I’m sharing my heart on my move from The Successful Creative to The Breakthrough Method as well as what’s in store for 2020!

Evolving my brand

When I had the idea for what would become The Breakthrough Method™️ nearly a year ago, I didn’t have all the parts in place. But I knew they’d all come together in just the right time. I let go of all expectations-there were no expectations around names, branding, programs, etc. 

And as I cleared more and more space over that year, things started clicking together. 

At the end of the year, everything snapped into place like a chiropractic adjustments. 

It’s amazing how quickly things can happen when we just trust! 

In a matter of 2 hours, I had programs fully formed and named, and I had completely redesigned my website and rebranded my business. 

new branding inspiration-french vintage postale meets modernism

new branding inspiration-french vintage postale meets modernism

I felt like my business suddenly felt fully me! 

And for all the changes, tests, and adjustments, it was worth it. 

What has worked for me

Over the past few years, the thing that has been my tried and true has been coaching. In a niche that prizes a coaching business with no 1:1 coaching…I’m following my true passion and continuing my 1:1 private coaching. I’ll share my full program model below, but my 1:1 coaching is my primary focus in early 2020 and one of my true loves.

What hasn’t worked for me

You can read more about what didn’t work in this post, but essentially, what didn’t work for me was doing popular marketing techniques and trends simply because they’re popular. I understand myself so well that however I market MUST feel good to me…not just be a golden ticket someone raves about.

It’s my responsibility to know and listen to my market, to craft marketing that serves their souls and allows them to powerfully and fearlessly step into their ideal life and business. And everything I do must first go through that filter.

What’s coming in 2020

So, here’s what is coming in 2020. 

I’m currently getting my NLP practitioner certification and am now a certified hypnotherapist and success coach-skills that are already increasing client achievements!

I’ve lovingly said goodbye to the name The Successful Creative and now operate as Stephanie Booth, with a program called The Breakthrough Method™️. I’ve updated my website URL to and I’ve updated my instagram handle to @thestephaniebooth. The only piece still in process are updating my facebook page name-I’m running into some roadblocks there, but that will also have the name Breakthrough Method.

My singular focus for 2020 is on being the most effective breakthrough coach in the field. Everything I do in 2020 aligns with that-I’m dialing in on going deep with my clients to powerfully and fearlessly release limiting beliefs and support them in completely upgrading to a success mindset.

From investing into my NLP practitioner certification, to restructuring and simplifying my programs, everything aligns with the intention of being the best breakthrough coach in the field.

Here’s my fully built coaching model-I’m rolling these programs out over the next 1.5 years (sooner, if you are letting me know you’re ready!)

Stephanie Booth Coaching Programs 2020

the breakthrough method group coaching.png

My 4 levels of coaching


available now-entry level programs designed to educate and inspire people learning about my brand, including paid masterclasses, Jumpstart, and monthly memberships

$$-The Breakthrough Method

available fall 2020-my signature 5-step method for breaking through limiting beliefs and wiring in success in the form of a group-coaching program

*TBM will be a prerequisite for qualifying for the Mastermind or 1:1 coaching beginning in 2021

$$$-The Breakthrough Mastermind

release tba; mastermind experience designed specifically for high-performing service-based entrepreneurs ready to surround themselves with success-minded women as they diversify their income; includes retreats and access to all TBM programs currently being sold.

$$$$-1:1 Success coaching

Available now; My most in-demand and highest investment program with 1:1 guidance and personalized support as you powerfully release limiting beliefs and wire success into your mind; includes resources such as hypnotherapy, TIME technique, EFT tapping and other guided NLP techniques; includes access to the Breakthrough Method and Mastermind when released

My marketing for 2020

My 2020 marketing is focused on filling 1:1 coaching for about ½ the year and then you will see me focus on enrolling people into The Breakthrough Method group coaching for the second half of the year. You’ll see me host masterclasses, challenges, experiments, and live events as a way to educate and pour into the people who can benefit immensely from my coaching and methodology. 

How to join the movement

So, join in the fun! Here’s how: 

If you’re new to The Breakthrough Method, join my newsletter-I send out mindset and success brain hacks twice a month as well as exclusive offers and early access to my programs. 

If you’ve been interested in my content-maybe thinking about the infographics I share on instagram or watching my lives, send me a DM! If there’s a chance you may be curious or interested in my unique success coaching, I won’t work with you until I know you for a bit, so break the ice and say hi! 

And make sure you join in my next masterclass or challenge-I always over deliver and coach live-it’s a steal to join my masterclasses!

Thank you for being a part of my community-I’m honored you’re here and hope I’ve inspired you to continue pursuing your impactful vision. Trust your journey-it’s showing you your greatest impact if you just listen. 

Did you miss part 1? Read about how I looked back on 2018-2019 to create The Breakthrough Method to begin with