What does alignment mean? | How to create a business from an aligned place

Alignment is kinda a big buzzword right now. I see it everywhere! But, it’s been my theme for 2018 and today I’m sharing how this word came to me and what it means for my business.

You may already know that I’m a mindset and business coach. I work with female creative business owners to first transform their mindsets and then build businesses that thrive from the inside out.

Why is building a business from the inside out important to me?

Fear had a suffocating grip on me for the first 4 years of business ownership. It wasn’t until I experienced 4 painful losses in an 8 week time frame that I realized that I had the beautiful opportunity to rebuild from the inside out.

I learned how to cry.

I learned how to journal.

I learned how to heal.

And I learned how to grow.

And as I dedicated myself to the inner work-the journaling, prayer, meditation, and sitting with the feelings that were there, I completely transformed. And I realized that was the key for everyone in life and business. Doing the INNER work makes the OUTER work fall into place effortlessly.

How I set my intentions for 2018

As 2018 approached, I stepped back and looked at where I was. In the course of a year, I had lost much. I went from a broken, grieving place, not confident that I could make money on my own, to building a business from a place of purpose.

When I looked at my life at the end of 2017, I was SO proud of all of my growth! I felt like I was seeing all the pieces that were coming together to build a business of my dreams. But in that moment, it still felt like I had just dumped a box of puzzle pieces on a table. It felt like 2018 would be a year of putting the puzzle together.

The theme that kept coming through for me was this idea of the clicking together of puzzle piece, that feeling of relief when a chiropractor would realign my neck. That clicking into alignment was what felt like the next season for me.

So, not having a clue what alignment meant, I embraced that word for myself this year. As I prepared for and welcomed our son into the world, built a second business, expanded my tribe, and crossed my biggest dreams off of my vision board at a rapid pace, I started understanding this buzz word in new ways.

So, what is “alignment?”

Alignment is the idea that everything matches up from the inside out. You work, love, eat, and do all from a place of purpose. You choose growth over a fixed mindset. You lean into abundance and release scarcity. You find that you are enough without anyone else’s expectations placed upon you. And…the more you live in this place, the more you radiate confidence and joy and the more you attract people who love who you are and want what you do.

Alignment is ease, it’s flow. It’s this idea that you’re riding the current of a river. If you’re feeling like your business is in an uphill battle, that everything requires a lot of effort, that you face a lot of opposition, there’s a chance that you’re not building your business from a place of alignment.