How to deal with your inner mean girl



Yesterday, while teaching in a private group, I got this question: “what do you do if you don’t believe in yourself?”

As soon as she asked it, it resonated so deeply with me because it’s been a big piece of my own journey.

Maybe you resonate with this?

For a long time, my inner mean girl dialogue went something like this:

*new 💡 idea*

Stephanie gets really excited

Inner mean girl: whaaaaaat do you think you’re doing? You can’t do that! You’ll be an epic failure! Here’s all the proof I have that you’re a failure.

*inner mean girl lists “proof. Stephanie hangs head and backs away from new idea.*

It’s sad to read, right?

But this is what it can sound like. Why is it easy to be kind to people we don’t know and unkind to the one we know best-US?

If you’ve got a very vocal inner mean girl, I want to share a reframe technique that can help you learn self compassion.

Ask yourself “what if...” In the moment that you’re trying on a new idea. “What if I already had everything I needed right now? What would I do?

“What if I loved myself deeply? What would I do?”

These types of questions help us ease into a new perspective without giving our brains whiplash.

So today, next time you’re experiencing self doubt...and your inner mean girl comes roaring back, ask that question and see what possibilities it opens up for you.