What to do when you're undervalued


I remember my first babysitting gig. I was in 8th grade, I babysat every Tuesday night from 5-8, and I charged...drumroll please...



I didn’t particularly love babysitting (a fact which made me scared of having children for a long time) and I remember that it finally dawned on me that $2/hour was, well, not normal.

I remember the first time I raised my rates. It makes me laugh now, but I felt TERRIBLE at the time. So bad that, instead of telling the family I now charged $5/hr...I heard words spilling out of my mouth that I never planned on saying.

“I’m really sorry. I have to charge you more. My new rate is...

…$2.25 an hour.”

Whomp whomp.

8th grade me wasn’t too far from so many entrepreneurs right now though. Frustrated that they’re not making enough

Feeling undervalued

But living within a bunch of limitations preventing them from raising their rates to be integrity with the value they’re providing.

Here’s the truth. This may feel harsh...but hear me out.

The only reason you’re getting undervalued results is because of undervalued THOUGHTS in your mind.
The first step to truly creating, selling, and serving the value you truly want is to first change your thinking.
But changing your thinking isn’t about staring at a vision board or chanting affirmations. It’s not meditation or journaling. It includes these tools at the right time and place. But most people trying to change their mindset go about it all wrong.

Using a vision board is essential. But not how you think,

Using affirmations are essential, but not when you think.

Meditating and journaling are essential, but not from the place of pressure most people operate from.

This is the transformation I create with my clients everyday in my 1:1 breakthrough method coaching. I have a limited number of spots opening for January and 1 was claimed yesterday. If you see how much you need to change your thinking, do not wait. It’s time to not put this off anymore. Get the help. Show up for YOU. And let’s help you be the person and entrepreneur you envision yourself to be.