Growing your revenue

If we haven't met yet, hi! I'm Stephanie. I'm a business and mindset coach specializing in helping photographers create their first 6-figure year. And today, I’m dropping some serious knowledge for FREE. If you’re not signed up to receive my emails, this is the kind of exclusive content I share with them.

Business Growth Hack: Trust your intuition

If you're new around these parts, I regularly invest in learning how to shape my brain for success, not safety. I often do this by running little mindset experiments in my life. In April, I focused on testing out the idea of learning to trust my intuition. I wrote about one example in today's article-what I've learned from this experiment that I didn't share in that post was this:
trusting my intuition has a direct correlation to my income. Take a peak below and see if you can guess which month I ran my "trust your intuition experiment?" (I'm only sharing this info with you, my friend. It pays to be subscribed!)

My Revenue

Mar: $1500 (stress ball, teething baby, building funnels and a launch)
April: $21,000 ('s this one! teething baby, building funnels and a launch, but I chose to believe that I could ALWAYS have what I needed. Pretty cool, eh?)

Here's the key takeaway: Allowing our intuition is also the state of allowing other money and clients!
So, go read that article and ask yourself:

  • what am I resisting that I need to just allow?

So often we think that we can resist the things we don't want and allow the things we do...but resistance isn't a button, it's like a radio station. If you're on the resistance station, you get what plays on that station-things to resist, things to stress over. If you're on the allowing station, you get what plays on that station too-lightness, expansion, abundance. Treat yourself with more compassion and kindness, and see what happens as a result.
Read today's business building article

Creating 5-figure months

As I talk about money and mindset, I want to be clear about something REALLY important. Mindset doesn't just make something out of nothing. You still need to take inspired action. Want to know WHY I jumped from $1500/mo to $21,000/mo? I was taking inspired action and building things behind the scenes. In March, I was behind the scenes, focused on building funnels, a launch, a customer journey, and adjusting my KPI's. These are the foundational things that make 5-figure months possible in a young business.
As a business owner, you need to have a firm foundation built in your business. You need to know your numbers, your systems, and your marketing plans. So, please hear me when I say this: 
I didn't mindset my way to a 5-figure year. It's a collaborative effort. 

Attraction + Inspired Action = abundance

So today, here's one simple strategy you can use to start creating YOUR 5 figure month. 

What was your average monthly revenue for the past 4 months of 2019? 
Let's face it. It sounds super sexy to say that you've made a 5-figure month when you haven't before. But...the funny thing is that most people don't know the revenue they WERE generating. 
Here's why this is a problem: 

  • First, you don't know how close you've been. Maybe you've been making $9999/mo and had no clue, making a big deal of nothing.

  • Second, You have no clue if this is sustainable. If you typically book 1 client a month, then implement some cool new strategies and book FIVE new many months can you do that? Can you handle a leap from 12 clients a year to 60?? Probably not.

*You must must must know your numbers. No B.S. No avoidance. You deserve this.

When you're ready, here are 3 ways we can work together:

If you enjoyed this business building content, focused on thinking AND acting like a successful creative, here are three ways that we can work together when the time is right for you:

If you're looking to learn about limiting beliefs:

The Momentum Challenge

If you need a mindset tuneup

Blindspot Breakthrough

If you’re looking for how to completely transform your mindset:

Magnetic Minds

If you’re looking for 1:1 support building momentum in your business:

Private Mentorship