Featured | The Healthy(ish) Podcast-overcoming negative self talk

Have you ever struggled with negative self talk? An inner mean girl? Maybe a mental bully? If so, this interview is FOR YOU.

I am unusually excited about this podcast interview…let me explain! I was recently interviewed on the Healthy(ish) podcast and we had a conversation I’ve never had on an interview before….and I’m blown away.

We talked all about negative self talk-my story with it and how I personally healed my inner bully. Here’s the thing: when we talk negatively to ourselves, we kick off all kinds of self-sabotage. It all starts with that mean conversation and that’s where we need to do some work to change our mindset if we want different results in our lives.

I then unleash so many tips and trick for you that it’s bonkers that this is free! I think you’ll love this conversation, get loads of ideas for how to heal your mental bully, and then some tips for how to overcome limiting beliefs and start listening to your intuition instead of that mental bully.

Go give it a listen, and if you liked this episode, screenshot it and tag me on instagram-my handle is @thestephaniebooth