features and PR

Featured | The Healthy(ish) Podcast-overcoming negative self talk

Have you ever struggled with negative self talk? An inner mean girl? Maybe a mental bully? If so, this interview is FOR YOU.

I am unusually excited about this podcast interview…let me explain! I was recently interviewed on the Healthy(ish) podcast and we had a conversation I’ve never had on an interview before….and I’m blown away.

We talked all about negative self talk-my story with it and how I personally healed my inner bully. Here’s the thing: when we talk negatively to ourselves, we kick off all kinds of self-sabotage. It all starts with that mean conversation and that’s where we need to do some work to change our mindset if we want different results in our lives.

I then unleash so many tips and trick for you that it’s bonkers that this is free! I think you’ll love this conversation, get loads of ideas for how to heal your mental bully, and then some tips for how to overcome limiting beliefs and start listening to your intuition instead of that mental bully.

Go give it a listen, and if you liked this episode, screenshot it and tag me on instagram-my handle is @thestephaniebooth

Featured | The Fully Free Podcast with Taylor Lee-how to have a breakthrough anytime

Can you have a breakthrough anytime?

The answer is YES and in this interview, I’m breaking down exactly how to do that.

I’m honored to have been a guest on the Fully Free podcast with Taylor Lee and this episode is a fun one because I’m sharing 2 high value things:

First I’m sharing the breakthrough Method-aka, how to have a breakthrough anytime. I’m walking you through the exact steps you can take to break through limiting beliefs now-it’s a GOOD one. In this episode, I recommend signing up for my Breakthrough Board training if you’re trying this technique out. Here’s the link for that:

Second, I’m walking you through the 5 phases of a breakthrough! I absolutely LOVE this topic. It’s just one of those conversations that once you hear it, you’ll never see your personal growth the same way.

Go give it a listen, and if you liked this episode, screenshot it and tag me on instagram-my handle is @thestephaniebooth

Featured: She Did it Her Way Podcast

I recently had the honor of sitting down with Amanda Boleyn of the She Did It Her Way Podcast and share my story about changing my mindset to create my dream business.

The truth is-10 years ago, I would NEVER have been able to envision a life where I loved my work and never tired of it. At that time I was having panic dreams about teaching.

So much has changed and it began with me cracking the door open to a better life with the question: “what if it gets better? What if I get to have a life I love?”

*Podcast show notes shared with permission from She Did it Her Way. Listen to the interview and read the full show notes here


How It All Started

Going back about ten years, Stephanie was teaching 5th grade making roughly $20,000 a year. She ‘thought’ that is what she was supposed to be doing and her whole life was really based around following the rules. She was barely making ends meat and just thought that was they way it was ‘supposed’ to be because someone else was giving her a paycheck and paying for her benefits package. What more could she want? 

Looking back, however, Stephanie can see how genuinely unhappy she was. She was struggling with stress dreams and while she was only contracted to work 30-35 hours per week she generally found herself working closer to 50 or even 60 hours per week.

Around the same time Stephanie married her husband, whom was in the process of starting his own photography business. During the wedding planning process he would occasionally slip in a logo he wanted her opinion on and because she was deep in ‘decision-making-mode’ she would quickly answer, not thinking much about it. It hasn’t occurred to her that he was hoping she would join his business. Eventually she realized she could provide some value in this business and began assisting in the process. 

In 2015, Stephanie lost her teaching job and financially they were stable and she had replaced her income, had landed them amazing opportunities to photograph all over the world, and secured them space in top publications and magazines. But at the same time something was holding her back. She suddenly couldn’t seem to secure new bookings and didn’t know why. The reality was, she was only doing things that she knew she could do. Anything that could result in a possible rejection, she wouldn’t follow through with. 

This was what self-sabotage looked like through her lens. It looks different for each of us but for Stephanie, she believed that if she overfilled her schedule and then started with the easy stuff she would eventually build up momentum to tackle reach the hard stuff. It wasn’t working and she never actually followed through. Those tasks just got moved to the next day. So every day there would be 4-5 things that never got done and would again be moved to the following day. All of these tasks revolved around sales and marketing activities. She had become so focused on what her peers might think of her that she forgot about the bigger picture, realizing they weren’t her ideal clients in the first place. The good thing is Stephanie learned how to turn that around in the future.

Stephanie’s mental health began to struggle during this time more as well and she began having daily panic attacks, until finally it all came to a head. One day she was so anxious about a conversation with her husband that she passed out on the stairs. At that point, she realized she had a problem.  

Now, Stephanie uses her personal experience to help others achieve their breakthroughs. She firmly believes that breakthroughs are a foundational element in each of our personal growth and that sometimes part of breaking through is breaking down. What she learned was if you're going to have a breakdown, you might as well make it into a breakthrough.

Stephanie has also become a firm believer in the power of journaling. She started by simply pouring her heart out and getting all of her emotions onto the page. She eventually started having ‘ideas’. She could see hope, began setting goals, and began writing about what she wanted in her future, rather than about the pain in her past. She began creating results for herself relatively quickly and rebuilt their business to over six figures in only four months. 

It wasn’t until someone reached out to her asking if they could pick her brain over coffee did she really begin to see her future coming together. It was her dream job, and despite not knowing what she was doing or where it would take her, she was all in. Stephanie truly loves working with clients and cares about the art form of coaching. 

From here, she began to build her business, and began getting comfortable with being uncomfortable. Stephanie learned that changing her thoughts and changing her feelings it would change everything. She has built a life they absolutely love, and don’t need a vacation from. 

 Stephanie leaves us with this thought:

“Know that you can have the results. You don't have to follow conventional wisdom necessarily to get the life or the results you want in your business. You can get it the way that you show up best that is possible for you. You can have whatever income level you desire, and have a lifestyle that you personally thoroughly love and value.”

Thank you for joining me again this week beautiful friends! Until next time, keep doing it your way.


  • “Being an entrepreneur is 80% mindset and if you’re in the right mindset we can be in the right state to get into action and create the results we want.“

  • “She firmly believes that breakthroughs are a foundational element in each of our personal growth and that sometimes part of breaking through is breaking down.“

  • “If you're going to have a breakdown, you might as well make it into a breakthrough.”

  • “Know that you can have the results. You don't have to follow conventional wisdom necessarily to get the life or the results you want in your business. You can get it the way that you show up best that is possible for you. You can have whatever income level you desire, and have a lifestyle that you personally thoroughly love and value.”

See the full article and listen to the interview for links and product recommendations

Top success coaches of 2021 | Featured in Yahoo Finance!

I’m proud to share that I’ve been named one of Yahoo Finance’s top success coaches for 2021! Being featured on top publications -especially for my body of work around breakthroughs and success mindset was one of my biggest desires for 2021!

If you have a big desire, keep it. It’s not too big. It can happen. It’s happening. It’s yours.

Here’s my full feature:

Stephanie Booth, Founder of The Breakthrough Method

Stephanie Booth is a mindset coach dedicated to helping female entrepreneurs break through their self-imposed limitations, clear their biggest money blocks and achieve the success they desire. She is an expert at identifying patterns to human behaviours and using those patterns to turn destructive tendencies into empowering ones.

Stephanie’s method of coaching draws heavily on difficult personal experiences. She almost destroyed her first business due to intense fear and almost-daily panic attacks. And when she found herself grieving a miscarriage, a lost business deal, and a few additional losses, she was heartbroken and depressed.

Despite these hardships, Stephanie found a way to turn her life around. She recognised the patterns of her behaviour and started rewiring her mind for success, not her comfort zone. She realised that every breakthrough she ever had followed a set of phases, and that the only thing keeping most people from a breakthrough in income or confidence was their ability to stay focused throughout these phases.

After transforming her own life, Stephanie developed the Breakthrough Method to collapse her yearly income into her monthly income, create a deeper sense of self-love, and teach others how to do the same through coaching programs, online courses, and masterminds. Now she is preparing to launch her signature program, Magnetic Minds® in April, which will teach female entrepreneurs everything they need to know about rewiring their unconscious mind for the success they desire.

Stephanie’s work leads to clients achieving goals, a spike in energy, and a magnetic sense of confidence and happiness. Her mentees are known for blazing trails, creating unique, personality-driven business practices, and innovative, cutting-edge programs and offers – all because they have tapped into the limitless potential of their unconscious mind.