How to get the results you want in business

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I’m in the middle of a hair transformation (more info and pics below!) and while styling my newly wavy hair, I realized something important! 

If you’ve ever felt stuck, limited, or like no matter what you learn, you keep recreating the same unwanted results in your business, this video is for you-watch or read on:

My hair story: 

I  used to have thick, fine, straight hair. It was heavy and silky and didn’t really hold a curl. But I tried my darndest to get my slippery hair to hold a curl. I’d curl it, use product and it would look curly...but at the end of the day, my hair was still straight no matter what I did. 

I couldn’t curl my hair and hope I now had “curly hair.”

And then I had a baby. And suddenly I found myself with poufy hair that was wirey and weirdly straight on top and tightly kinked underneath. 

(photos below of my hair before learning to style wavy/curly hair)

I stumbled across the curly girl method and began playing with this approach to hair care and I started seeing results! When I started viewing my hair as curly, I fundamentally changed how I cared for my hair from washing all the way through styling. And I started seeing those kinks turn to curls and waves start forming on my top layer. 

(photos below of my progress using the curly-girl method)

I’m still in the middle of this transformation, but it’s already taught me a few things about business.

What my hair transformation taught me about feeling stuck in business

So often, I talk with business owners who aren’t getting the results they want in business. They’re struggling with things like: 

  • Repeated low-income months

  • Clients who break contract on them

  • Potential clients who ghost them

  • People only interested in free content

  • being maxed out for time and not able to take on new clients, even though they need to make more money.

  • Being afraid to raise their rates because they believe they’ll lose clients.

They’ll even tell me “I know I have a lot of limiting beliefs around money. I see it. I just think that if I learn how to launch my online course and get a little revenue coming in there first, then I can work with you to change my mindset.”

And boy do they come back to work with me alright...just not the way they envisioned...Here’s what really happens.

They take said course or program. They learn how to create and launch their online course, make facebook ads, write better sales copy, market better on instagram, and more. And then I hear from them about 6 months later and they say something like: 

“Hey Stephanie! Remember me?” (of course I do!) “so, I think I’m ready to do mindset work. I know what I want to create (often passive income of some sort), and I learned how to do it. But I feel paralyzed to actually take action. I have all these limiting beliefs around doing this and making money from it and I need to get to the bottom of it.”

Does this sound like you?

Take the Money Blocks Quiz

and see exactly what’s holding you back from $10k-$20k months

What’s really happening when we’re not getting the results we want:

I see this so often it’s not funny! And here’s what’s really happening:

Just like it didn’t work to curl my hair and hope it would become curly, you can’t learn a skill and hope it makes you successful. 

Once I had the inner transformation on my hair, I then had clarity to learn the right skills for what I wanted to accomplish-and they were COMPLETELY different skills!

So often, when we skip our own mindset blockages and limiting beliefs, we don’t even have the clarity to learn the right skills. I was learning new ways to use my curling iron and it was damaging my hair. Once i had my curly hair, I saw that I had to treat it as curly hair and learn from people who HAD curly hair.

I started buying different shampoos and products and learning how to style it correctly (hello plopping and low-heat styling!) And the kinks began turning to curls. The wirey hair began turning wavy. I started getting results.

How changing your mindset changes your results

It’s the same with your mindset.

When you know you’ve got some mindset issues holding you back-whether it’s limiting beliefs, self-sabotage, comparison, feeling paralyzed, afraid to be seen, scared to outshine a loved one, and more, you’ll be learning skills from a jaded point of view and you won’t really solve your problem.

On the other hand, if you START with inner transformation, you approach your problem completely differently and you see different solutions and learn different skills.

You can stop throwing money down the drain on programs that don’t move the needle in your business and start fresh.

My personal experience learning about my mindset blocks

You can build true momentum in your business. I know because I’ve done it for myself.

I’ve been where you are. I’ve hired the right people and learned the influential skills. And then I’d stare at my bank account and see that it was far from thriving. 

Last year, I got sick and tired of it and knew it was time for a change. 

I walked myself through a complete mindset overhaul and saw that while I indeed had limiting of my biggest mindset blocks around money wasn’t limiting beliefs at all, but rather an emotional block!

I was shocked!

And as I cleaned up my mindset, rewired my unconscious mind for success, and acted from that place, I went from a $500 month to a $10k month. 

But...could I do it again? Or was it just a fluke? And then I created a $25k month and more multiple 5 figure cash months after that. My income would still fluctuate, but in the high income months, there were a few things that remained the same. 

I had cleared unconscious blocks. I had repatterned my mind for success. And I acted from that place. No more rando desperation hires. No more last-ditch efforts and enrolling in program after program. I felt assured and confident-I felt…aligned! And I ended up actually spending less in my business because I had a clear plan now!

I want this for you. But the undeniable truth is that you must must must start with your mindset, not your skillset.

I’ve created an incredible resource for you if this is describing your experience building your online business. Take my free Money Blocks Quiz and lets figure out what’s REALLY holding you back from the success you desire.