How to let go of regret and collapse time to your results

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In today’s video, I’m sharing my personal philosophy that has helped me let go of regret and collapse time to my desired results. This is a really special topic to me personally and will especially resonate with you if you’ve struggled with self-doubt, self-sabotage, a fixed mindset, and you struggle to love yourself.

A growth mindset lets go of regret and gets results faster and faster.

This mindset that I discuss in this post is a growth mindset. A growth mindset is one that learns to let go of old paradigms of failure where our past experiences are wasted when we can’t see an immediate success, and instead learn to see every life experience as a learning and growth experience. This includes growth in learning to love and approve of ourselves, first and foremost!

In today’s video, we’re talking through:

  • My story with regret and results (hint: regret IS the result)

  • My personal operating agreements

  • How that helped me collapse time to my results

  • How this works for other people.

  • Setting goals that are aligned and help you build momentum

  • Collapsing time to your results

  • How to hook future-you up with how you think, feel, and act now.

  • Your quantum leap simply depends on your willingness to keep going

  • Your future thoughts about how you’re showing up now will reflect how you think now about your past.

  • Self-source your love and admiration and excellence.

For your convenience, I’ve linked below available opportunities to work with me mentioned in the video. If it’s aligned for you, take a next step here:

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