What is a breakthrough board? Bay Area mindset coach

woman checking off her goals, bay area mindset coach

My foray into vision boards

In 2017, I tentatively made my first vision board. I had undiagnosed C-PTSD at this point and struggled to envision what I wanted. In fact, I felt pretty selfish and ashamed for wanting things at all.  If you’ve ever felt this way, take it from me-you’re not alone…and you’re not selfish.

Thankfully, I got brave enough to dream and I asked myself “If I accomplished every goal this year, what would that look like?” And I slowly began cutting out images that represented those goals accomplished. 

I felt good..and honestly a bit scared of feeling good. But just looking at this collection of dreams and believing they were coming true? I felt warm and happy inside just thinking about it!

Checking something off my vision board

Shortly after I created my vision board, I had the amazing opportunity to cross the first thing off of it! It was a really unique and specific item and so, I knew this opportunity was a result of me changing my mental focus! It was so exciting and I immediately wanted more! 

When my vision board stopped working for me

But, shortly after this experience, even though I was all in on making the rest of my vision board happen..I struggled to make any other results happen. 

It felt like I was stuck and I didn’t really know what to do about it. 

And then I was plagued by self-doubt and shame and I put up a fine resistance to it all. 

From the little I knew about manifestation, one thing I did know was that what you focus on grows and attracts more of the same. So...logically, I thought “OH NO! I can’t have these negative, self-limiting, and doubtful beliefs!” 

And, this became the end of me using Vision boards. 

How I created the Breakthrough Board

Here’s the thing-what’s most important is that we all find our unique motivators that help us create results we don’t yet have. And I knew I was onto something...But a vision board in and of itself had some serious structural issues that I knew needed some addressing. 

In came the Breakthrough Board: 

So, I decided to list out the main problems I encountered with a vision board, solve those, and I found a product and process that worked like crazy for me! Behind the scenes, I was bringing to life, houses, luxury goods, relationships, money, and more. It was very very cool.

I loved it so much I taught my process to my mastermind. And 4 years later, girls from that mastermind ground still email me to let me know they’re making Breakthrough Boards and manifesting from them! 

Over the past year, I’ve taught 2000+ people how to make Breakthrough Boards. 

And the question I get most often is this: “How do I USE my board?”

How I use my board is the most important part of the process and it’s what makes a Breakthrough Board different from a vision board. 

So, what is the difference between a breakthrough board and a vision board?

A vision board requires you to focus on the goals you have on your vision board and that’s that. Most people add their own unique process to focusing on those positive thoughts. 

What’s missing from a vision boarding process is simple: what exactly do you do with the self-doubt, fear, and limiting beliefs that naturally come up? If it involved avoiding them or redirecting your thoughts away from the negative thoughts...you’re missing a huge opportunity to create change! 

In my breakthrough board process, I actually show you how to leverage limiting beliefs to create change-they’re coming up anyway, why not use them to your advantage? I show you how in my process. 

So, that’s the story of how the Breakthrough Board came to be and how it relates to the more widely know concept of the Vision Board.

If you’d like to learn my process, join my upcoming paid class here: 

Next class: Nov 17-18, $97-get all the info here: