The moment a breakthrough board comes true!

The first time

And, I remember the moment I made a breakthrough board item come to life for the very. first. time! If you know me, I’m a VERY enthusiastic person. As a friend once said it, I’m a freaker-outer. If you have something good happening in your life, I’m the girl you want at the celebration. I’ll shriek, cry, clap, hug, and all around just be completely thrilled for you.

So I’m sure you can imaging that the moment I brought to life my first breakthrough board item, it was a very big deal. I shrieked in disbelief, I yelled down the hall to Stephen about it. Poor guy-I’m honestly not sure how much of my hollering down the hall he can handle…but alas, he’s stuck with me!

And I immediately clicked “purchase” on the reward I’d planned to celebrate.
Not only do I want you to experience this for yourself, but I want to give you a space to celebrate when you do get to have this experience!

Unfortunately for me, I didn’t realize at the time how special this moment was, so I have no photos of it. But I changed that later, once I realized I was onto a “thing”. So…enjoy photos of me manifesting my dreams, large and small:


Your turn to share:

So, today I have a simple question: How has your breakthrough board helped you create your dreams? Whether big or small, homes, or moments watching the sun set. It doesn’t matter-it just needs to be a dream.

I’d love it if you could share your story…or stories (!) of how you found that something on your breakthrough board became REAL!


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