Life update | Our cross country move!

girl at Big Sur, bay area mindset coach

Hi my dear readers! Last week, we made one of our dreams come true by moving from the midwest to Northern California, where we are building a home! (photo dump at the end of the post)

I’m writing this under the twinkling cafe lights on the back patio of our rental home in Sonoma California. I still can’t believe I’m here!

For years, my husband and I were dreaming of moving to either California or France. But it always felt like a very far off dream, like something we’d do when we retired.

But this year, after a year of quarantining, we had a serious talk about how we’d navigate winter and that’s when I knew something was about to change.

You see, we lived in the midwest-our winters were long, harsh, and gray. We spent months cooped up inside, feeling depressed and lonely. And we knew that we needed to make a change for the coming winter.

Winter. is. coming! haha!

I can’t wait to share more of our story-comment below if you want me to share it. But for now, I want to share that we made it safely to California and are settling into our rental for a little over a month until our home gets finished.

The drive was long, hard, but uneventful. Yes, 30 hours in a car with a preschooler was uneventful! I was so grateful for our 3 year old’s amazing behavior during such a long trip!

When we arrived in Sonoma, we made a beeline straight for a spot we knew Ansel would love-Train Town! Whenever the trip got long for him, we’d remind him that when we got to California, we’d take him to Train Town, and he’d get excited again.

Since arriving, we’ve worked on establishing our routines, and making lists of all the incredible places we want to visit while we’re in Wine Country.

To those who have been checking in on us, thank you for your thoughtfulness. For my sweet clients who have extended me so much love and patience, thank you for your patience. And to myself: Thank you for bringing the dream to life.

I’d love to hear about your dreams come true-comment below and share

Enjoy this photo dump of our first week in Sonoma:

Locations pictured: Baker And Cook | Cafe Scooteria | Olives Unlimited | Sonoma Train Town | Bartholemew Estate and Winery

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